Bouquet Holders
Straight Slanted Fresh Floral Bouquet Holder
$3.55Large fresh floral foam bouquet holder, featuring the round head and a straight handle. Bouquet holder is made with premium floricel fresh floral foam - ensuring the longevity of blooms. Bouquet holder measures 7.5" in height, and the head...$3.55 -
Large Straight Fresh Floral Bouquet Holder
$3.55Large fresh floral foam bouquet holder, featuring the traditional head and a straight handle. Bouquet holder is made with premium floricel fresh floral foam - ensuring the longevity of blooms. Bouquet holder measures 7.5" in height, and the...$3.55 -
Round Slanted Fresh Floral Bouquet Holder
$3.55Large fresh floral foam bouquet holder, featuring the round head and a slanted handle. Slanted handle allows for a cascading bridal bouquet. Bouquet holder is made with premium floricel fresh floral foam - ensuring the longevity of blooms...$3.55 -
Large Slanted Fresh Floral Bouquet Holder
$3.55Large fresh floral foam bouquet holder, featuring the traditional head and a slanted handle. Slanted handle allows for a cascading bridal bouquet. Bouquet holder is made with premium floricel fresh floral foam - ensuring the longevity of...$3.55 -
Standard Straight Bouquet Holder with Fresh Floral Foam
$3.85Crafted for the modern florist, our extra large floral foam bouquet holder ensures every hand-held creation stands out with professional finesse: Optimized Dimensions: Boasting a generous 3" diameter, this holder is tailored for bouquet designs...$3.85 -
XL Straight Bouquet Holder with Fresh Floral Foam
$4.35Crafted for the modern florist, our extra large floral foam bouquet holder ensures every hand-held creation stands out with professional finesse: Optimized Dimensions: Boasting a generous 3.5" diameter, this holder is tailored for grand bouquet...$4.35 -
On Sale
Standard Bouquet Holder with Fresh Floral Foam
Now: $1.99Was: $3.55Make the a beautiful floral arrangement with this Standard Bouquet Holder. This is the perfect bouquet for fresh flowers to have at any elegant event.Now: $1.99Was: $3.55 -
XL Slanted Bouquet Holder with Fresh Floral Foam
$4.35Crafted for the modern florist, our extra large floral foam bouquet holder ensures every hand-held creation stands out with professional finesse: Optimized Dimensions: Boasting a generous 3.5" diameter, this holder is tailored for grand bouquet...$4.35